Friday, September 4, 2015


Then that star woke up trying to figuer out what the moon was saying.
She talked alone,she did it for herself.
that beach so mistirious like so pretty said the moon.
—¿Mistirious? Asked the star.
I can onley see above. It makes me feel something exceptional. I cant explain what it is — Answered the moon.
Maybe it is atraction from the beauty of her water Said the star.
I dont know maybe it is. But its something diferent. "Mistory as pretty" she said to her self. The above is something that atracts me but when i like far in i can notice that inside it has more thinhs that i can love. That deep that not even the beach can meet. That no one can see in less the beach lets you. Its something so nice that the beach is my interess now. Its like armony, the wind is our friend, i can understand it but onley sometimes hear it. I like that beach friend star, but i dont understand it. Said the moon.
Sometimes we meet someone that makes us get out of ourselfes they make us spit thoughts that we didnt know. And make us feel wired emotions. Hear that armony. Put atention hear your thoughts, dont onley hear understant that image of the beach. Learn how to hear friend star. What your inside says is what you can be.
Go in the deep and find what really moves you friend moon. Finished the star

-Paola Canales

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